Thursday, January 31, 2013

Your furry friend can have allergies too

It seems like common sense but you’d be surprised – most people food is not good for dogs.

This is a scene we’ve seen all too often: a cute pup sits below the dining room table in hopes for a scrap of the lasagna to fall within his reach. After a while of waiting, he begins to sit in front of his owners and pout up until the point where they toss him a piece of garlic bread to make him happy.

Cabo Dog Boutique is guilty of it too. But here are some things not always known about the implications of giving our furry friends human food.

Diabetes. Veterinarians who have been in practice for many years report a sudden increase in diabetes in dogs. It begins with cheaper alternatives to dog food that use white rice and corn as a filer. Neither are natural food options for dogs and can directly affect the blood sugar of our furry friends.

Allergies. You got it, dogs have allergies too. Do you have friends that are allergic to peanuts or almonds? Some dogs can be too. Dogs can experience internal swelling and inflammation, or severe skin irritations, if given something that they are allergic to.

If you must treat your pet to a piece of cheese or other human food every now and then, stick to these natural and healthy options (for people too!) per Nicole Pajer at Cesar’ and read more of her healthy food options for pets - Here is a few healthy dog options:
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cooked chicken
  • Cheese
  • Baby carrots
  • Yogurt
  • Pumpkin
  • Apple slices
  • Oatmeal (without artificial sweetner)
Try to resist that precious puppy face when eating. At Cabo Dog Boutique we have some great organic dog treats that will make your dog beg for more of these yummy organic dog treats and not that chicken finger. Try some Apple Crisp Dog Treats - Apple crisps are an all-natural crunchy dog treat! These are great as a dog training treat, and can easily be broken into smaller pieces. Apple crisps are naturally dehydrated and a sugar-free dog treat. Apples help maintain a healthy heart as well as being low in calories.

How Peanut Banana Bread? YUM! Cabo Dog Boutique just cannot keep this delicious dog bread in stock!  Everyone knows that dogs love peanuts, bananas and coconut. This tasty combination creates a dog treat high in protein and rich in nutrients. They contain no gluten, wheat, corn soy or artificial ingredients. Peanut Banana Bread dog treats contain all natural peanut butter, banana chunks and a touch of vanilla you’ll probably want to try yourself. Just save some for the dog. 

Peanut Banana Dog Bread Ingredients:Brown rice flour, natural peanut butter, ground oats, coconut flour, banana, egg white, molasses, flax seed, canola oil, coconut oil, vanilla, natural flavor.

So, careful when you are eating your steak dinner - don't be tempted to give to your little one - have some dog treats ready so they can enjoy yummyness too. 

Who will be the WINNER? The Raven's or the 49er's?

We all know that the SuperBowl is this Sunday - many really look forward to this event, many don't care and many view this day as a great day to decorate, cook and dress up their dog!

At Cabo Dog Boutique, we really don't care if the Ravens or the 49'ers win, we just love helping dog owners make their pooches just perfect for the parties! 

So - will you and your dog be wearing Raven's purple? Can you see your little one in this great Raven's dog t-shirt? The Baltimore Ravens grey dog  t-shirt features a v-neck design featuring the Baltimore Ravens team logo. This dog Tshirt is made of 100% cotton and is machine washable. This is a dog t-shirt that he or she can wear everyday - win or lose! Perhaps your little sport would prefer the Raven's dog jersey. Look no further - Cabo Dog Boutique has the perfect dog jersey - and even will fit the big dogs!
San Franciso 49'ers fan? Cabo Dog has that too. If you are a 49'ers fan - so is your dog! The San Francisco dog t-shirt would be a good choice or the San Francisco Dog Jersey - you pick! Want to show your 49'ers support all year around - we have the 49'ers dog collar and dog leash - you pick the size!

You can pick any NFL team even if your favorite NFL team isn't in the SuperBowl - it's ok. Cabo Dog Boutique carries all the NFL Sports Dog Apparel. They can support their favorite team by eating with one of the NFL Dog Bowls - comes with a great non-skid rubber base! No scooting around. 

Throw on a dog bow to any dog outfit or no outfit at all. It's up to you but whatever you choose - enjoy SuperBowl Sunday!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Sunny's New Years Resolution - an inspiration to all!

Can our dog's really make New Year's Resolutions? According to Mr. Sunny ~ ABSOLUTELY!

This precious toy poodle in Park City has Cushing's Syndrome. Yes, dogs can get Cushing's Syndrome too. Sunny began his new journey weighing 22.5 pounds and now is down to a healthy weight of 17 pounds. Julie (his Mom) makes exercise a priority by taking him on walks with his neighborhood gang and feeding him healthy foods such as green beans and sweet potatoes. Sounds like something all humans should be doing as well. No canned green beans for this boy - too much sodium which makes you gain weight - and that is bad!

In August of last year Sunny was able to begin going up and down some steps and now is able to go on three block walks twice a day. No time to lay around like the other dogs - gotta keep going! It has been a long journey but making progress everyday! Spring and Summer are better months for this little one as exercising in the elements of winter are a bit harder for him.

So - yes dogs can have New Years Resolution's - and this precious boy should be an inspiration to all - even humans! Sunny has overcame major issues and continues to be an encourager to all. Sunny has a long way to go and every day is a new challenge. In 2013, Sunny and his Momma resolve to play with their fabulous dog toys from Cabo Dog and keep exercising and encourage our friends to adopt older dogs - and help them become strong too!

For information on Canine Cushing's Syndrome. in dogs please visit - Web MD  and if you suspect your slow mover could have Canine Cushing's Syndrome. - please visit your vet.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The vintage look for your Dog!

Vintage was a big look in 2012 - and in 2013 will be even bigger!

As we know Vintage clothing and items are very popular among the humans. We love vintage clothing and jewelry and vintage cars. Now, vintage wear is big for dogs too. Yes, your dog can take a throwback trip wearing vintage dog wear.

Cabo Dog Boutique is a new online pet boutique that specializes in designer pet accessories and pet apparel that you won't see in the department stores or at the local mall. Cabo Dog is excited to have a category of JUST vintage wear for dogs.

Most everyone remembers or have heard of Felix the Cat. Cabo Dog Boutique is thrilled to have a Felix the Cat vintage dog t-shirt. Gumby fan ? Got that too - with a Gumby vintage dog t-shirt.

Want to "ROCK AND ROLL ALL NIGHT and Party every day"? Check out the KISS Vintage dog shirt - and for those who love Rice Krispies - got that too.

These vintage dog t-shirts are unique and one-of-a-kind, no two dog t-shirts are alike. Each vintage dog t-shirt is refashioned from well selected vintage, recycled and discounted clothing. Fabrics are soft and worn-in . . . they are casual comfort with an attitude!
Take a look at all the vintage t-shirts made for the ROCKER in your life.